Hi there!

I am  a New York City based performer and writer.  I relish in those quirky, feisty roles that make people laugh. I also enjoy the roles that start out vulnerable and innocent but then turn ferocious, sexy, terrifying and heartbreaking.  An Evil Fairy Witch, as someone described!

I love smart, provocative horror films. My screenplay, IN RED advanced as a Quarterfinalist with the ScreenCraft Horror Competition 2024 and the Filmmatic Horror Awards.

I also enjoy playing and writing songs on the guitar.

Rebecca Lee Lerman – NYC Actor – Writer – Singer – Artist – Broadway – Musical Theatre – Theatre – TV Film

When not performing, you can find me cuddling with my two cats, Trogdor and Dren, practicing yoga, going on a hike, soaking up a sound bath, checking out the daily astrology forecast, binge watching the latest netflix craze, eating all the good foods and doing Reiki Healing for myself and others.